Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Zagreb , Croatia

Main Square
The view of Zagreb

Welcome to my blog! 👀

  In this part, I will show you my favorite places as possible as I can. While we are getting used to the city, we were visiting historical places and parks. Firstly, we went to Zagreb Cathedral which is so stunning. 👌 The view of this cathedral has different impact on daytime and nighttime. I will attach photos of it so you can decide which one is better because I couldn't. 💁😃

Daytime view of Zagreb Cathedral
Nighttime view of Zagreb Cathedral

Inside of Zagreb Cathedral

  We had a chance to visit the zoo. In fact, on International Women's Day the zoo had free entrance for women so we decided to go there with my friends. Our Erasmus Buddies, their friend, Zeynep and I met there and there was a huge queue. So after that queue ends, we had fun and saw different animals. 

Me and my friends at Zoo

   One of my favorite places is Maksimir Park. That was the biggest park I have ever been. 🌲🌳 There was a main path which you could take a walk. Also, the park has a huge forest and you can also wander around the big trees. I think it resembles Belgrad Forest a bit. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgrad_Forest) The most beatiful part of this park is it feels different at every season in a very good way. 💘 I recommed you to go there. 

Maksimir Park
Maksimir Park
Maksimir Park


  All day I can talk about Zagreb and its beautiful surrounding, historical values or etc. However, I prefered not to bother you, maybe I can continue later if you ask me to. So I will attach some other photos for you to look at. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed!! 💞

Monday, April 27, 2020

Museum of Broken Relationships, Zagreb

Welcome to my blog! 😇

  As you see in headline, in this blog I will talk about the Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb,Croatia. I wanted to talk about it because the museum is so interesting. Before you go, of course you have an idea what will you see in the museum. However, I thought there was just stories of ex-lovers. There was not just lovers, there was also ended friendships, dad-daughter relationships etc.The purpose of the museum is treasuaring and sharing the heartbreak stories and symbolic possessions with people. 

"It is a museum about you, about us, about the ways we love and lose."

  The stories were really broke my heart back then. 💔 I will attach some photos of my favorite stories below so you could click on them and see. Especially, one of them which is from my country, Turkey. In the story there is a couple, they were engaged. When there is very little time before they get married, her fiance went on a business trip. He came back to Turkey and when he was on the airport there was an explosion set by terrorists. He lost his life in that attack. The story was really sad because I remember the Istanbul Ataturk airport attack in 2016. (You can find info on this link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36658187 )

Wedding Dress (From the story above)

  Beside the sad stories, I think there was also more impressive ones. I want to share one of them. The story is a year relationship from Beijing, China. The headline of the story is "A spectrum of a star" and I will quote the article:

"We are both astronomers. On my 26th birthday he sent me a spectrum of a star in the Orion constellation as my birthday gift. This star, named pi3, is 26 light years away from the Earth. He said, 'Look, at the time when you were born, the ligh left this star, passing through the endless interstellar space, the countless dust and nebula, arriving here after a 26-light-year journey. So, have you. Here you meet your starlight, and I meet you.'  (Also there is a note writed in Chineese  and continues in English.)   I could only hear the sound of my heart beating then. Though we have since broken up, every time I see the Orion constellation, I relieve some sweet memories. "

A spectrum of a star

  I want to end my blog with the story which includes the sentence I loved so much. The story is from 4 years relationship in Tijuana, Mexico. The headline of the story is "Diary, pocket watch, necklace". Again, I will directly quote the story:

"Diego often said to me. 'There are two types of true love. One fills you with passion and love, but you clash and cannot be together. The other, you marry.' Perhaps he loved me too much."

Diary, pocket watch, necklace

  I would love to share the all stories, but it is impossible. As you would guess, I recommed you to visit this museum if your path falls. My last shares about this museum is, I was so glad to be there and read all these stories and be the part of them. Although some memories hurt, they turn into unique and beautiful memories when they pass. 

  Thank you for reading. Keep following!! 💖💖

A holy water bottle shaped as the Virgin Mary

Comfort doll AKA voodoo doll
Set of acupuncture pens

Number 2
Half-written post-it note

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Erasmus in Zagreb,Croatia (Part2-Favorite Coffee Shops)

Welcome to my blog again! 🙋

  In this blog, I will continue with my favorite coffee shops. So if we remember the previous blog, I was talking about the earlier days. In these days, we found some coffee shops which is my favorite part☕ (I love coffee so much!💗) there were so much of them, especially in the city center. So I want to start with the first place we explored. When we were walking down the very very long street, we got tired and I saw cofeee shop named Oranz Bistro&Wine Bar. So we decided to come in.There were so many people so we can say people love this coffee shop.😊 

  As you guess, there were also different kinds of beers and other alcohols. Zeynep and I explored a very delicious beer, actually I shouldn't say beer because later a Croatian friend told us that it wasn't made by barley as a normal beer. It was made by an apple fermantation. It tastes so good and also has normal percentage of alcohol in it. As you would know, generally flavored beer has less alcohol in it, but it wasn't. The name of beer is Stari Lisac. If you find any chance to taste it in any cafe in Europe, you won't regret.💃

   We went to K&K Milcec by a suggestion of our Erasmus Buddies. If you don't know what does it mean I should explain: Your buddy helps you with anything during your Erasmus, you can think it as an informal consultant. We were lucky because mine and Zeynep's buddy were so lovely and we all became good friends! 😍 I want to say hello to Paola and Matea. We met them at that cafe and spent very lovely time. 👭👭 

  My other favorite coffee shop was Meet Mia. I found this cafe through Google Maps and loved it! The most attractive feature of this cafe is, smoking is not allowed in it! If you don't know, in Croatia, you can smoke in closed areas like most of the cafes. However, in this cafe you can drink your cafe without any disturbance. 

Me at Meet Mia 15.03.2020

Oranz Bistro&Wine Bar
K&K Milcec Cafe
Stari Lisac (an apple beer)
Meet Mia Cafe

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Erasmus in Zagreb,Croatia (Part1-The Earlier Days)

My flight Istanbul-Zagreb 27.02.2020
The first day at Zagreb (Ban Jelacic Square)
W/ Zeynep 💖

Hey, there! 😊

  Welcome to my blog 🙋 I would like to talk about near future. The subject is my Erasmus experience. In the 2020 Spring semester, I was supposed to be at Zagreb, doing my Erasmus. I said "was" because now I am back in Turkey.🙍 The reason is very clear if you are reading this on April 2020 but if you will read this blog later, it is because of pandemic. Corona virus has spread all over the world. It is supposedly came from China, but now it is all over the world. I hope it will get better beacause this is very serious problem. 🙏 At the first place, I thought there are so many prevention and it can't be a big deal. So I never thought it would end my Erasmus, but here we are. 😭 

  After all this complaint, I should start from the beginning. On 27th of February, I travelled to Istanbul with my parents for my flight.✈ I flew with Turkish Airlines, which is the perfect choice, I was at Zagreb about 8 a.m. Firstly, I took a bus to arrive city center and then went to my place to settle down. On that day, we had an orientation at my school. My school's name is Zagreb University of Applied Science (TVZ). So I went to the school but it was a little bit late so I couldn't find our Erasmus coordinator. Before I go, I met a friend on social media she told me everything about that meeting. I was lucky to have friend like her who was also Turkish Erasmus student at Zagreb. She went there a few days earlier than me. She was so kind to me and than we were going to spend a lot of time together. Her name is Zeynep, I love her!! 😍👭 

  At the beginning I met other Turkish friends who were also arrived before me. They showed me around the city center. At first I thought everything is similar I could get lost easily, but then realized it is not possible. 😀 I can't forget the burger we ate that day. In my country, the menu prices are pretty cheap and satisfying. Don't be afraid if you're coming from an Europian country prices won't seem that high. There are so many Pan-pek bakeries where you can buy various pastries. We loved these bakeries. 🍩🍰 I can talk about the food later if anyone will be interested. So we wandered around the city center and I bought a new Sim Card for an acceptable price. It had 10 gb internet so I could use Google Maps freely. 

  In these early days, we spent out time exploring the places to eat etc. 
So this is the end of the first part! Thank you for reading. Love you all!! 💖💖

Hello! :)

Hey there! ✋

As it is my first blog, I would like to talk about myself. My name is Öznur and I am 22 years old Turkish girl. I am a Senior year electrical&electronics engineering student at Eskişehir Osmangazi University. Yes, I am a woman engineer. 😊💪 As an explanation to why I am writing this blog, I can say that because of the pandemic, all over the world schools are doing an online education so we have a lot of leisure time. So I decided to talk about the things I like to talk about. It can be about technology news, engineering, other personal interests or my experiences etc. I will be trying to post my articles as regular as possible. Also, I would like to say that it is so exciting to tell myself to other people. I don't want to be boring so I will try to keep your attention alive. 👀 Soo welcome to my blog! 💁😍

Zagreb , Croatia

Main Square The view of Zagreb Welcome to my blog! 👀   In this part, I will show you my favorite places as possible as I can...

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